Coconino Master Gardener Association Meeting Agenda
Shepherd of the Hills-1601 N San Francisco St Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Thursday, February 8, 2024, 6:00-8:00 PM
Tonight’s Education-Grantee Presentations
Olivia White Hospice Garden-Frank Branham (nancyandfrankb@gmail) and Geoff Wood (
Willow Bend Habitat Gardens-Susan Lamb (
Killip Elementary-Gayle Gratop (
Next Month:
Buy your raffle tickets now Buy your raffle tickets now Buy your raffle tickets now Buy your raffle tickets now Buy your raffle tickets now Buy your raffle tickets
MG Coordinator Report—Hattie Braun
Master Gardener & Home Horticulture Class- Started January 23 and runs until May 24, 2024
being held @Coconino County Health Dept.
1:00-4:30pm. 31 attended first session! 24 of whom are in the Master Gardener tract.Attend any special topic?
֍Master Gardener costs $225 & requires 50 volunteer hours
֍Home Horticulture costs $325-no volunteer hour requirement
Seed Library Workday-rescheduled Thursday, January 25, 2024, from 10 am-1 pm at Cooperative Extension office
We have a volunteer who organizes and replenishes the library and we need a volunteer or two to head this.
Business Meeting & Committee Reports:
Treasurer-Andrea Guerrette
2023 Debits $8,768.43
2023 Credits $8,464.54 Bank Balance on 01/01/2024 $7,891.69
Roster for 2024-Education Chair-Bill Sandercock
Social Chairs-Denbie Nash and Lori Young=Sign up for snacks and dish duty
Secretary & Membership-Marilyn Canteloupe=Time for annual dues $10. New card design issued
✏ Make checks payable to CMGA and give to Andrea
Supports CMGA Program along with Plant Sale and Garden Tour
Grants -Cheryl Blume=We will open new grant cycle
✏ $500 max award; don’t have to be a Master Gardener; Public/Community focus (no private gardens)Garden Signs-Holly Button= Recognition & thanks to folks for participating in Garden Tours
Raffle Prizes needed! Revenue from last year’s raffles were nearly $600! Contact Holly
Got Hours? -Brenda Smith and Sue Madden can help!
Master Gardener Calendar/Blog/Other--Loni Shapiro=check out our calendar and contacts for events and volunteer needs & opportunities
Volunteer Needs
Historian-Tammy Valdovino is stepping down from this position and from updating our Facebook page.
Seed Library Volunteer- Organizes and replenishes the library on a regular basis
Root Camp-Organizes with Warner’s and attends to manage registrations and handouts ?(Christina Compton
Any gardening questions…..?
Next Meeting – March 14, 2024, 6:00-8:00 PM
See reverse side for Committee Listings and Dates of Upcoming CMGA Events