Seed Trust now in Sedona, AZ has the Siberian tomato seeds collection and
other nice heirlooms that you can save seeds from. is
their site.
Pinetree Garden Seeds is the source that I use to by seeds; they send small
quantity packets and have many short season options. H-19 Little Leaf Cucumber
is their variety that does well in pots. Bush Delicata Squash is the winter
squash that can be grown in pots.
Johnny's Seeds from Vermont no longer has the Bluahilde pole bean. Sad!
They do have a sale on Agro Row Cover right now, the 19 is what works best for
extending season. Do check Peaceful Valley Farm Supply for Agro 19 also (and
many other row covers) prices also - they are out of California so sometimes
that really helps shipping costs.
Find zucchini Bread recipe on the blog under recipes.
Our tour of Linda and Mark Giesecke's yesterday was wonderful. I am sure Linda needed a nap after
fielding all the questions. Below are some of the answers to your questions,
including the recipe for the yummy zucchini bread. She states that she used the
yellow variety of zucchini which she prefers. Also other answers to
questions.... the amaranth looking plant near the patio is actually red switch
grass. Irish Spring soap was in the mesh bags to ward off deer. The anise
hyssop was by the back patio door (tall plant with purple flowers) She uses the
flowers in her salads. The samples in the basket were Egyptian onions aka
walking onions. You plant the bulbs and next year you can eat the early stems
or later pull up the bulbs and use like onions. As they age the plants bends
over and sows the bulbs formed at the top. That is why they are called walking
Look for the next tour on Saturday (another article)
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