CMGA General Info

Christmas Amaryllis with Orchid to the right. Below Ruth Benson's holiday bears.
Photo by Loni Shapiro.

Welcome to the Coconino County Master Gardeners Association blog. The mission of the Master Gardener Program is to create a corps of well-informed volunteers, and to deliver quality horticultural education programs adapted to our regional high elevation environment. The purpose of the association is to provide support for those volunteers and Master Gardener graduates, continuing education, and opportunities to participate in community programs that increase the visibility and participation in the Master Gardener Program.
The Coconino Master Gardener Association (2009) began in 2009. This blog contains information on:
-How to become a member
-Volunteer and Education hours reporting
-Calendar of Events
-General gardening information articles
-Master Gardener Association Documents and forms
-References and Resources
-Interesting Websites and Blogs
-Old Gardening Etcetera columns
-Book Reviews
-How to contact Board or Committee Members
Meetings are held monthly on the 2nd Thursday from 600pm - 8;30pm. We meet at the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church at 1601 N. San Francisco. This includes continuing education and a business meeting.

Reporting Master Gardener Hours

All master gardener trainees and certified master gardeners need to report their hours.
Beginning in 2010 certified master gardeners need to have 6 Education hours and 12 Volunteer hours in order to maintain certification.The on line reporting system allows you to report Education or Volunteer hours. You can sign in to record hours in the right hand column under Recording Volunteer and Education Hours. Just click on the U. of A.
If you have any questions or concerns about the new reporting system, please contact Brenda Smith (A - M) or Sue Madden (N - Z). Their contacts are listed at the bottom of the blog under

Ideas for hours------
--Attend monthly meetings
--Work on an association committee
--Work at an informational booth for the Master Gardeners
--Be a speaker about gardening topics at a variety of venues

--Host a garden tour
--Work at a fundraising event (Plant Sale - Garden Tour).
--Work at a MG site (Olivia White Hospice, the Arboretum, Riordan Mansion, or school gardens (many others)). Check out the Assoc. Doc. & Forms under Volunteer Sites.
--Work in the Extension office
--Write an article for the newspaper column -Gardening Etcetera
-Volunteer with the Seed Library
Be creative! There are many ways to fulfill your hours. Just remember for volunteering it needs to be a non-profit endeavor or an approved for profit site.

Change in Contact Information

Have you moved or changed your e-mail address, but would still like to be contacted about high elevation gardening information from the Extension? The Coconino County Extension Master Gardener Program has a site that will let you change your information on-line.

Click here to change your contact information!

Event Calendar

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Master Gardener Meeting Minutes 4/12/12

Master Gardener Meeting Minutes 4/12/12
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
1601 N. San Francisco
6:30pm-6:40pm                  Welcome – Agenda Debi Stalvey
 Request 2 volunteers to be trained as AV assistants
Two members volunteered to be trained as AV assistants for master gardener meetings and other MG events (Jackie Clark will be the main AV Assist and Tess Wymore volunteered to be the back-up).
6:40pm-6:42pm                  Calendar Photos Request – Bea Cooley
Bea requested that people continue to send in photographs for the calendar. Submission guidelines are on the blog, . Deadline for submission is May 1.
6:42pm-7:30pm                  Continuing Education
Riordan Mansion and Gardens – Gwen Growth /Charlotte Dodgson
Gwen Growth started the talk with a description of Riordan Mansion and the efforts by volunteers to keep the park in operation.  See the Power of Gardens article on the blog for an excellent description of the project to restore and improve the Riordan Mansion gardens.  Charlotte also showed a light catcher that she makes to sell at the Riordan Mansion gift shop as a fundraiser.
7:30pm-7:45pm                  Refreshments
Thank you to Christine Orr & Susan Thompson

7:45pm - 8:30pm                  Business Meeting – Debi Stalvey
   7:45pm – 8:05pm     Overview of recent Executive Meeting – Debi Stalvey
The Executive Committee reviewed the budget and determined the Association could devote up to $750 for supporting master gardener projects. The support may range from $250 for up to three grants or, if someone demonstrates a greater need, may receive a larger amount up to the $750. The application is available on the blog.  The deadline for applying for the funds is May 31, 2012.  The executive committee will make their decisions at their June 7 meeting.                 
                                    Financial report – Ed Skiba
April 5, 2012 CMGA Financial Report
On April 5, 2012 I deposited the following collected funds into the National Bank of Arizona (CMGA) checking account:
2012 CMGA Membership fees 2@ $10.00                  $20.00 
Calendars 7 @ $5.00                                                     $35.00
Total Deposit 4/5/2012                                                  $55.00
Check account balance 3/31/2012                           $1, 858.96
Total check account balance 4/5/2012                      $1,913.96
Total number of members 4/5/2012                                    44
At the meeting Ed received 7 or 8 more memberships.
                                    KNAU Pledge Drive – Bea Cooley
Bea Cooley reported on the results of the KNAU pledge drive.  There were seven volunteers who received volunteer credit for the two hours.  One volunteer received a call from someone who wanted to know how to grow onions!                  
MG Program Happenings (Class, Conference) – Hattie Braun
Hattie announced a new class, Advanced Entomology. The class will take place on May 16.  Details are on the blog. 
Ann gave a brief update on the Highlands Garden Conference.  Save the date: October 6, 2012 at Du Bois Conference Center on the Northern Arizona University campus.  The two keynote speakers, Charlie Nardozzi and Davld Salman are confirmed.                                                     
   8:05pm – 8:20pm                  Committee Reports:
Continuing Education – Loni Shapiro
There are new educational and volunteer opportunities listed on the blog. 
Community Programs
Home Show Report- Hattie Braun/Faith Brittain/Tess Wymore
Faith Brittain, Polly Velie and Tess Wymore were praised for the great Home and Garden Show.  Debi Stalvey presented $25 gift certificates to Warner’s to Faith and Tess. Faith will give Polly her certificate.
Food Awareness Fair Report – Julie Holmes (Val Bryant, Sue Norris)
Val reported on the Food Awareness Fair. There was a very poor turnout but Sue and Val had a good time visiting and answering questions for the people who did attend.
Community Market – Julie Holmes
Julie announced and provided a Community Market sign-up sheet at the meeting.  Please take a look at the sign-up dates on the blog and contact Julie to confirm your volunteer dates.
Speakers Bureau – Bea Cooley
Bea agreed to head up the speakers bureau and will talk with Hattie about those currently signed up, changes to the documents on the blog, and will take any new applicants interested.
Coordination of MG Projects – Linda Guarino
The volunteer site list has been updated with 2012 sites and is available on the blog. Also updated on the blog is the request for becoming a site. A new e-mail site has been set up for applicants to request status as a site. Linda will be monitoring that to avoid too many calls to the Extension.
Volunteer Support/Social – Hattie Braun & Crys Wells
101.5 volunteer hours and 37.25 education hours for March.  The year-to-date hours are 364.25 volunteer and 65.25 education.
Hattie asked for help with a new banner.  Jackie Clarke volunteered to help and will check to see if she can get one made from Pepsi.                                              
   8:20pm – 8:30pm                  Gardening Questions?
Ed Skiba showed a bottle of Iron X! Selective Weed Killer for Lawns and marveled how well it killed dandelions in his lawn. He bought it from
Next meeting:                  5/10/2012      Invasive Weeds - Scott Harger

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