Coconino Master Gardener Meeting Agenda
Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 6:30pm
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church—Benson Hall
1601 N. San Francisco, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
6:30-6:35pm Welcome-Sue Madden, President
6:35-6:40pm Introduction of Speaker—Hattie Braun
6:40-7:45pm Education: Frank Branham/Pine Needle Composting
(15 minute break with refreshments)
7:45-8:00pm Raffle Prize Drawing – $1 each or 6 for $5 - Must be present to win
8:00-8:25pm Business Meeting
MG Coordinator Happenings—Hattie Braun
Fall Master Gardener Classes
Beginning Gardener Classes for 2020
Coconino County Fair Wrap-up
Other Issues
Financial Report—Jeff Best, Treasurer will report
Nominations—Pam Garcia
Secretary-Patricia Haeuser, 1-year term 2020
Committee Progress Reports:
Continuing Education -Suggestions are welcome for presenters or subjects that would
interest gardeners in Northern AZ. The board is planning to hold a brainstorming session
to identify interesting topics and speakers for education at our meetings.
Any and all are welcome to participate.
December 12, 2019—Christmas Party
January 9, 2020—2019 Grant Recipients Presentations
Volunteer Support—Tim Ellsworth-Bowers will report volunteer hours.
Social Chair – Liz George
Seed Library – Jackie Alston
Saturday Garden Etc column in the Daily Sun – Jackee Allston and Cindy Murray
Blog/Communication – Loni Shapiro
Historian—Tammy Valdovino—Reminder of end of year documents to Tammy.
Fundraising Chair—Sherline Alexander.
8:25-8:30 Gardening Questions?
Next meeting: Christmas Party Potluck December 12.