Master Gardener Meeting Agenda
Thursday, October
10, 2019 at 6:30pm
Shepherd of
the Hills Lutheran Church—Benson Hall
1601 N. San
Francisco, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
6:30-6:35pm Welcome-Sue Madden, President
6:35-6:40pm Introduction
of Speakers—Gillie Thomas
6:40-7:45pm Education: Steve Alston/Bokhasi
(15 minute break with refreshments)
7:45-8:00pm Raffle Prize Drawing – $1 each or 6 for
$5 - Must be present to win
8:00-8:25pm Business Meeting
MG Coordinator Happenings—Hattie Braun
§ Master
Gardener Hotline will begin when staff and volunteers are available. Help Desk Coordinator and other volunteers
§ Coconino
County Fair
§ Fall
Master Gardener Classes
Report—Jeff Best, Treasurer will report
Committee Progress Reports:
Continuing Education - Gilli Thomas would welcome suggestions for
presenters or subjects that would interest gardeners in Northern AZ.
November 14, 2019—Pine Needle Composting/Frank
December 12, 2019—Christmas Party
January 9, 2020--TBD
February 13, 2020--TBD
Volunteer Support—Tim Ellsworth-Bowers
will report volunteer hours.
Social Chair – Liz George—Coffee cup
Seed Library – Jackie Alston--Seed Library and Saturday Garden Etc
column in the Daily Sun
– Loni Shapiro—Thanks to Lexi Leopold for tending the calendar for Loni for
the month of August.
Historian—Tammy Valdovino—Reminder of
end of year documents to Tammy.
Fundraising Chair—Sherline Alexander.
8:25-8:30 Gardening
meeting: Pine Needle Composting/Frank
Branham November 14.