Master Gardener Meeting Agenda
Thursday, April
11, 2018 at 6:30pm
Shepherd of
the Hills Lutheran Church—Benson Hall
1601 N. San
Francisco, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
6:30-6:35pm Welcome-Sue Madden, President
6:35-6:40pm Introduction
of Speakers—Gilli Thomas
6:40-7:45pm Education: Jeff Meilander/Growing Food at High Desert
(15 minute break with refreshments)
7:45-8:00pm Raffle Prize Drawing – $1 each or 6 for
$5 - Must be present to win
8:00-8:25pm Business Meeting
Art-ful Summer Garden Tours—Questions? Ask Colleen Tucker at (928) 853-0315 or Jennifer Quarterman
at (720) 560-7575. A few more
gardens are needed for the tours. Any
suggestions talk to Colleen or Jennifer.
Volunteer sign-up sheets available at this meeting, 3 volunteers needed
morning and 6 in the afternoon.
Gilli Thomas—Water Conservation for the City of Flagstaff. Gilli will continue to attend as the CMGA
presence with other groups that have a stake in this issue. No updates at this
MG Coordinator Happenings—Hattie Braun
Summer Plant Sale June 15, 2019. Vendors and plant sellers have been signing
On-line Master Gardener Classes coming in the
Beginning Gardener’s class meets every other
Thursday and end with a field trip to Forestdale Farms.
Master Gardener Hotline will reappear due to
staff changes.
Jackee Alston--Grain School April 11-13 in Cottonwood. Local and heritage grains will be the focus
of this training. Contact Jackee Alston
High Country Rescue (Old Second Chance) has raised beds at the
Doney Park site. Stacie DaBolt would
like some Master Gardeners to tend/plant/weed these beds. Please call Stacie DaBolt at 928-526-0742 if
interested. Mary Gaseau has
volunteered, others may be needed.
Water Conservation and Urban Trees Meeting Friday, April 26, 10:00 - noon at the extension office
Report—Jeff Best, Treasurer will report
Committee Progress Reports:
Continuing Education - Gilli Thomas
would welcome suggestions for presenters
April 11, 2019—Forest Health/Jeff Mielander
May 9, 2019—Annuals/Robin from Violas
June 13, 2019--TBD
Volunteer Support—Tim Ellsworth-Bowers
will report volunteer hours.
Social Chair – Liz George will be
looking for people to provide snacks during the
Seed Library – Jackie Alston
Blog/Communication – Loni Shapiro
Historian—Tammy Valdovino
Fundraising Chair—Filled by Sherline Alexander. Welcome back Sherline!
8:25-8:30 Gardening
meeting: May 9 with speaker Robin
from Violas talking about annuals.
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