Master Gardener Meeting Agenda
Thursday, October
11, 2018 at 6:30pm
Shepherd of
the Hills Lutheran Church—Benson Hall
1601 N. San
Francisco, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
6:30-6:35pm Welcome-Sherline Alexander
6:35-6:40pm Introduction
of Speakers—Hattie Braun
6:40-7:45pm Education: Jan Busco, MNA Gardens
(15 minute break with refreshments)
7:45-8:00pm Raffle Prize Drawing – $1 each or 6 for
$5 - Must be present to win
8:00-8:25pm Business Meeting—Sherline Alexander
MG Coordinator Happenings—Hattie Braun
Fall into Gardening Conference for MG at Trinity
Heights Church 10/20/18
CMGA Hotline
Ponderosa Pine Needle Composting
Financial Report—Molly Larsen
Committee Progress Reports:
Continuing Education - Gilli Thomas
November 8 Nigel Sparks – Landscaping
December 13 Christmas Party
January 10, 2019—Recipients of 2018 Grants
February 14, 2019—TBD
March 14, 2019—Steve McElvey/State Forest Specialist
April 11, 2019—Kim Costion/Vegetables
May 9, 2019—Robin/Violas/Annuals