It’s time to mark your calendars for another year of garden visits. Flagstaff Garden Visits will begin the 2013 season of garden visits with a seedling exchange at the garden of Jacki Hainsworth on Saturday June 1, followed by out of town trips to the Verde Growers in Cottonwood and the lavender fields in Concho. Thanks to Jacki for arranging all.
The dates are:
Saturday June 1 from 10am to noon: Exchange of seedlings, seeds and anything garden related at the garden of Jacki Hainsworth
Saturday June 8 to arrive at 10am: We will car pool to Warner’s Verde River Growers
Friday, June 21: We visit the Lavender Festival at Red Rock Farms in Concho. We will car pool for this day trip.
Details will be emailed later. As always, garden visits are open to all interested gardeners.
Thanks to Linda Guarino who has volunteered to coordinate the distribution of NoLo grasshopper bait.
Invite your friends and watch for updated information. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing about YOUR garden. If you have questions about these events, want to invite us to visit your garden, or have suggestions about gardens to visit, please email me .
Jean Hockman
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