Master Gardener Meeting Minutes 8/9/2012
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
1601 N. San Francisco
6:30pm-6:35pm Welcome – Agenda - Debi Stalvey
review of agenda for the evening
6:35pm-6:45pm Introduction of speakers - Debi
6:45pm-7:45pm Continuing Education
you to both speakers for presenting material they prepared for the Flagstaff
Home and Garden Show.
Season Extenders – Ann Eagan
7:45pm-8:00pm Refreshments – Thanks to Linda
8:00pm - 8:25pm Business Meeting – Debi Stalvey
Overview of recent Executive Meeting – Debi
Debi outlined the upcoming elections (Nov.) for new
officers. She and Ann would like to stay on as Pres. and Secy. The VP and
Treasurer are leaving. All officers are up for re-election. Crys Wells and
Linda Guarino expressed interest in co-running for Treasurer and Charlotte
Dodgson for V. Pres. Think about running and we will bring this up at the next
meeting in October. We also need committee chairs for 2013 – Calendar Project,
MG Projects, Community Markets, and the Speakers Bureau. These are appointed by
the President. Let Debi know if you are interested.
The Christmas Party will be held on December 13th
at Molly Larsen’s home. Details will be e-mailed to the listserv.
Loni Shapiro is researching having a Plant and Garden Sale
next year in conjunction with the Arboretum. It would include seedlings and
gently used garden equipment/art. She will be talking with the Arboretum
director (Lynne Nemeth) this week and report back at the next meeting of the
Executive Board. The goal for earning more money would be to increase grants
and purchase AV equipment/camera for the CMGA. Loni would like to start small
and see what works. She will need at least 4 additional committee members to
help do this project. Contact her if you are interested.
report – Ed Skiba
Ed reports we
are now at 60 members. Our current balance in our account is 731.74. Those
funds will be
used for the
final calendar payment and the church. Ed has the accounts set up on Quicken
and working
for the next
Program Happenings (Classes, Conference) –
Hattie Braun/Ann Eagan
The MG class is
going to happen in the fall. It will be held this year at Flagstaff Middle
School. Details will
be on the
extension site and/or come from Hattie by e-mail.
The conference
is set for Oct. 6. So far, there are about 20 registrations.
There was a
discussion on scholarships. Ann Eagan mentioned students, and Christine Orr
they be offered to the Flagstaff Community
Garden coordinators. Loni Shapiro suggested that the
availability be announced to all MGs –
listserv or other list Hattie may have so all have a chance. There
has been over $700 collected and participants
will be asked to contribute some funds.
Education – Loni Shapiro
Loni will be leaving the education position next year. She
will survey the listserv for ideas for next year’s
speakers in September and has one to add (speaker on Bees
from the Mountain Living Mag.). She emphasized that this is not a difficult job
for a volunteer. The survey and the Executive Board can help with ideas, and
all just need to be contacted. We now have a speaker guideline form that can be
Speakers are added to the AZ Daily Sun calendar one week
prior to the meeting. Dana Prom Smith is open to articles to be published one
week prior to the meeting. These must be sent in at least a month in advance to
him for editing.
2012 has 2 remaining speakers. See bottom for schedule.
Market – Julie Holmes
Julie needs people for September for 2 markets on Sunday.
Contact her if you are interested. Andrea and Galen Guerrette will work one,
not sure yet which. Julie and Molly will be leaving this committee next year
and need a replacement to schedule markets. Loni Shapiro suggested that this
become a requirement for master gardener certification. When she did her
requirements she had to do some hours with the hot line which is no longer
used. This could be a requirement instead and help us to fill the slots. Any
newbie would work with a certified Master Gardener. The market on Silver Saddle
and highway 89A has asked us to man a booth there. The info was passed on to
Debi Stalvey to check out.
Bureau – Bea Cooley
Bea talked about the
calendar which will be arriving in another week. It will be sold at the fall
conference and any place else we are involved in, including the market, and the
Recognition Picnic. She also talked about the Speaker’s Bureau and read a list
of ideas to encourage people to participate. We all have something to share
about gardening.
Support/Social – Hattie Braun and Crys Wells
reported recorded hours for the month –
442.25 Volunteer
There were several
questions about what can be used for Education hours. Reading is not an option
unless it is prep time for a talk. Please refer to the guidelines for Volunteer
and Education Hours on the blog – Documents & Forms area.
New Business: Need
a digital photographer for photos for the blog and publicity. The association
is thinking of buying a camera when funds allow, but we need someone to do this
for adding to the blog and other publicity. This is separate from the historian
who also takes archival photos.
8:25pm – 8:30pm Gardening Questions?
Andrea Guerrette asked for ID for a flower. It was
identified as a campanula (Bell Flower) and several suggested to remove it from
her yard. It travels by rhizome and can be very invasive and difficult to get
rid of.
Julie Holmes asked about blackspot on her Amur Maple. People
were uncertain about the cause but suggested she take a branch to Warners.
Susan Thompson (
asked about an evergreen shrub to replace a juniper she is removing. Any
suggestions should be sent to her as there were not many other than something
in the same family as holly.
Debi Stalvey brought up something that Jean Hockman had told
her. If your plants are not surviving you might check to see if your water is
connected to the water softener. If you have a water softener it is most likely
connected unless it is a newer home. The softener provides too much salt to
your plants.
Next meeting: September 9, 2012
Recognition Picnic
Tuthill (details to follow)
*Oct. 11 – Landscaping
with Native Grasses – Jan Busco
Nov. 8 – Pending –
Tam Nguyen – topic TBA
Those starred are confirmed
** Even though
great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of any material and
information presented at our meetings, the CMGA does not give any warranty or
other assurance as to the content, accuracy, completeness, timelessness, or
fitness for any particular purpose. General guidelines for speakers can be
found on our blog under documents and forms.