Master Gardener Meeting Minutes 6/17/10
Northland Hospice Office
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
6:30pm-6:40pm Welcome – Agenda
Jim Mast
Brief review of agenda. Introduction of speaker
6:40pm-7:30pm Continuing Education
Volunteering Through Gardening Around the World: experiences highlighted in Lesotho, Malawi, Australia, and Costa Rica
Julie Lancaster
Julie talked about her experiences with the Peace Corp in Africa (Lesotho) and with an organization called WWOOF (Started in the UK in 1971 and has since become an international movement that is helping people share more sustainable ways of living.) in Malawi, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, and Costa Rica. In each case she was working on gardening throughout the world. She was learning and providing education to people from those countries. WWOOF provides a great opportunity to travel while helping others with organic gardening. They usually provide accommodations and food in exchange for work – variable lengths of stay. Contact them for more information at:
7:30pm – 7:45pm Refreshments
Thank you to Molly Larsen
7:45pm -8:30pm Business Meeting
7:45pm-8:00pm Overview of recent Executive Committee meeting - Jim Mast
Vice President – Steve Shield has resigned due to a move to Yavapai County. Jim Mast has appointed Crys Wells to fill his position.
Finance update – Ed Skiba and Jim Mast will open an account at AZ Central Credit Union. Steve Shields has added a check for $50 and we have another membership from Bob Cooper. Exact deposit will be reported at the next meeting.
Calendar update/Loni- Winning photos circulated. Calendars should be ready by August. – proofs in July. Fee will be decided when calendars arrive. The Extension is supporting the start-up costs and taking 9%. This should be a profitable endeavor with 250 ordered -75 break even.
Flagstaff Evening Garden club /Hattie– Jean to continue to coordinate. Hattie to set-up an e-mail list and find someone for each visit to take a headcount. Loni to put on blog and in the newspaper. Jean to remain the phone contact until phone is set-up at the extenson.
Telephone at the extension – Hattie has an extra line that is currently used for the Hotline and the association could be added along with the Garden Club.
8:00pm-8:20pm Committee Reports:
Continuing Education-Dana Prom Smith
Speakers scheduled through January 2011. Check blog for updates.
Looking for writers for the column.
Community Programs
Flagstaff’s Community Market – Molly Larsen
Worked the 1st 2 Sunday markets with good visitation.
Need volunteers for the Wed. markets – 1st and 3rd Wed. 4-7pm– dlipboard circulated for volunteers. Art Babbitt would like to see us there on Sundays – will let us know.
Hattie will have a tent shelter available for set-up at these markets. May have people pick up with a key from the office.
Speakers Bureau
Need more speakers available
Hattie working on getting someone from Toastmasters to talk about speaking and will do tech training for those interested (PowerPoint)
Dana volunteered – Hattie will send application
Application on the blog
Home Show
Free booth in exchange for 3 speakers each day and advertising
Need speakers/topics for the Home Show – at least 3 for each day
Coordination MG Projects –Linda Guarino
Nothing new to report. Would like more volunteers on committee. Working on
finalizing list for 2010.
Volunteer Support/Social - Crys Wells
Update on volunteer/education hours
People are asking for total hours reported. Crys is not set up for this so you need to keep your own records with a calendar. If you are desperate for numbers for May-June contact her by e-mail for totals. This will only be available for the next month – after that you are on your own.
Scheduling fall recognition picnic – September 12 – Hattie to reserve picnic shelter.
8:20pm – 830pm What is it? Garden Problems/Questions
Several had questions about ground squirrels. Some using moth balls with limited success. Hattie recommended checking the eXtension web site ( for current info on how to control. Info on traps can be found at the Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management ( For local help contact Dan Caputo one of our former speakers - Arizona Wildlife Consultants – 928-864-6768.
Another question about fruit trees budding but not setting fruit – suggested late frost may have killed buds. A suggestion to hang red Christmas ornaments before fruit sets to fool birds.
Third question about the best grass in light of new fees on water. Hattie said that Kentucky Bluegrass is the only walkable grass, others are attractive (Blue Gramma Grass, fescue), but clumpy and not lawnlike.
Next meeting: July 15, 2010
Microclimates and Gardening in Flagstaff Lee Born
Speakers for future meetings:
August 19 Bugs Freddie Steele
September 12 Recognition Picnic
October 14 Hopi Agriculture Susan Lamb Bean
November 11 School Gardens Sue Norris, Lyndsey Langsdale
December Holiday Party
CMGA General Info
Christmas Amaryllis with Orchid to the right. Below Ruth Benson's holiday bears.
Photo by Loni Shapiro.
Photo by Loni Shapiro.
Welcome to the Coconino County Master Gardeners Association blog. The mission of the Master Gardener Program is to create a corps of well-informed volunteers, and to deliver quality horticultural education programs adapted to our regional high elevation environment. The purpose of the association is to provide support for those volunteers and Master Gardener graduates, continuing education, and opportunities to participate in community programs that increase the visibility and participation in the Master Gardener Program.
The Coconino Master Gardener Association (2009) began in 2009. This blog contains information on:
-How to become a member
-Volunteer and Education hours reporting
-Calendar of Events
-General gardening information articles
-Master Gardener Association Documents and forms
-References and Resources
-Interesting Websites and Blogs
-Old Gardening Etcetera columns
-Book Reviews
-How to contact Board or Committee Members
Meetings are held monthly on the 2nd Thursday from 600pm - 8;30pm. We meet at the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church at 1601 N. San Francisco. This includes continuing education and a business meeting.
Reporting Master Gardener Hours
All master gardener trainees and certified master gardeners need to report their hours.
Beginning in 2010 certified master gardeners need to have 6 Education hours and 12 Volunteer hours in order to maintain certification.The on line reporting system allows you to report Education or Volunteer hours. You can sign in to record hours in the right hand column under Recording Volunteer and Education Hours. Just click on the U. of A.
If you have any questions or concerns about the new reporting system, please contact Brenda Smith (A - M) or Sue Madden (N - Z). Their contacts are listed at the bottom of the blog under Contacts.
Ideas for hours------
--Attend monthly meetings
--Work on an association committee
--Work at an informational booth for the Master Gardeners
--Be a speaker about gardening topics at a variety of venues
--Host a garden tour
--Work at a fundraising event (Plant Sale - Garden Tour).
--Work at a MG site (Olivia White Hospice, the Arboretum, Riordan Mansion, or school gardens (many others)). Check out the Assoc. Doc. & Forms under Volunteer Sites.
--Work in the Extension office
--Write an article for the newspaper column -Gardening Etcetera
-Volunteer with the Seed Library
Be creative! There are many ways to fulfill your hours. Just remember for volunteering it needs to be a non-profit endeavor or an approved for profit site.
Beginning in 2010 certified master gardeners need to have 6 Education hours and 12 Volunteer hours in order to maintain certification.The on line reporting system allows you to report Education or Volunteer hours. You can sign in to record hours in the right hand column under Recording Volunteer and Education Hours. Just click on the U. of A.
If you have any questions or concerns about the new reporting system, please contact Brenda Smith (A - M) or Sue Madden (N - Z). Their contacts are listed at the bottom of the blog under Contacts.
--Attend monthly meetings
--Work on an association committee
--Work at an informational booth for the Master Gardeners
--Be a speaker about gardening topics at a variety of venues
--Host a garden tour
--Work at a fundraising event (Plant Sale - Garden Tour).
--Work at a MG site (Olivia White Hospice, the Arboretum, Riordan Mansion, or school gardens (many others)). Check out the Assoc. Doc. & Forms under Volunteer Sites.
--Work in the Extension office
--Write an article for the newspaper column -Gardening Etcetera
-Volunteer with the Seed Library
Be creative! There are many ways to fulfill your hours. Just remember for volunteering it needs to be a non-profit endeavor or an approved for profit site.
Change in Contact Information
Have you moved or changed your e-mail address, but would still like to be contacted about high elevation gardening information from the Extension? The Coconino County Extension Master Gardener Program has a site that will let you change your information on-line.
Click here to change your contact information!
Click here to change your contact information!
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